"What makes this cat different? Why is he called SUITCASE?"
First, I want to say 'thank you' to my good friends, Cookie and Angel, for letting me share their website! I sometimes share their home, so I guess that's why they invited me to be here.
Second, while my adventures have been documented in my new book, it's my friends who have helped me become who I am today.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I guess you're wondering:
Let me try to explain.
Here's my life in 10 words:
It is so unbelievable that some may call it FICTION!
From a vending machine to accidentally driving a car to unleashing angry LIVE crabs in the back yard and along the way learning more about myself...
The Adventures of SUITCASE.THE.CAT. has it all!
I'm no ordinary cat. I can speak human. Yep, you read that right. And there's other special stuff about me. But, you'll have to read my book.